When you enter university, a new life begins. As with any life changing event, students may encounter challenges that are easier to handle when faced together. Therefore the Buddy Programme was initiated in the winter semester 2010 and is coordinated by the Career Centre of the Faculty of Psychology. Since 2018, it has been organised by the Psychology Student Representation.
Students from higher Semesters help new Students
- to answer questions related to the content of the psychology programme (e.g. on specific courses, lecturers, documents, etc.)
- with questions regarding the formal procedures of the psychology programme (applications, organization, “to whom I address myself best when …” etc.)
- with questions on living in Vienna (info, events, leisure activities, etc.)
The aim is to support students to successfully integrate themselves into the university system. In many cases this change may also involve a new living environment, entailing the need to build a new social network. By helping to build such a social network, the this integration process is supported. It is important for us to welcome our new students and to accompany them as best possible.
Duration of a Buddy Activity
The duration of the Buddy Programme is one semester. However, it has repeatedly been the case that friendships formed during this time which remained close throughout the studies.
The activities of the Buddy programme are variable. We host a welcome event with all participants, organised in cooperation with the participants and the SFU Career Centre. All further steps are organised by the buddies themselves, with individual adaptation.
for first-year students:
- have a contact person
- benefit from the experience of experienced buddies
- are introduced to the university structure and student life in general
- integrate more easily into the university
- are introduced to new social networks
- get help settling in Vienna
- use resources more efficiently and have more time to focus on their studies
for buddies:
- further develop their social and communication skills
- have the opportunity to reflect on their own actions
- are supported in their personal development
- gain new ideas
- benefit from the experience of the first year students
- expand their network
- enhance their CV by participating in the Buddy Programme
- are”visible” for the university
Sponsored and organised by ÖH – SFU
Contact Buddy Programme
Students Representation Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Mag. Julius Metzler, MSc
+ 43 699 817 250 10
or in person at SFU Vienna: Mondays from 3-4 pm
5th floor / room 5008, Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna