The Faculty of Psychology offers regular university studies in psychology and a number of university courses at various places of implementation.
The Bachelor and Master degree programmes in Psychology are offered in Berlin, Linz (in German), Ljubljana (in Slovenian), Milan (in Italian) and Vienna (in German and English). In addition, there is also a PhD Psychology programme available in Vienna (in German). The degree programmes are accredited according to Austrian law. The academic degrees are Austrian degrees that are recognised in the European Higher Education Area.
The Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Psychology is headed by the acting Dean (Univ.-Prof- Dr. Gerhard Benetka) and the Dean’s Assistant (Mag. Peter Lasinger). It consists of two administrative units: the Exam Department and the Student Service Centre. The Student Service Centre is the main contact point for students in all study-related matters.
In research and teaching, the main areas at the Faculty are:
- Clinical Psychology
- Psychological Diagnostics
- Business Psychology
- Applied Social and Political Psychology
- Cultural Psychology
- History of Science
The following Institutes and Health Care Units are affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology:
- Institute for Statistics
- Institute for Qualitative Social Research
- Institute for RemembranceCulture
- Psychological Outpatient Clinic
- Child Psychology Centre
Research at the Faculty follows the principle that tackling socially relevant questions requires a culture of cooperation and the free exchange of ideas between different research traditions, disciplines and methods. Accordingly, researchers from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences work closely together.