PSY | Research Project: Family Purpose in the 21st Century
3. December 20192019: John Templeton Foundation awards a grant of $1,567,673 to Kendall Cotton Bronk (P.I.) of the Claremont Graduate University and […]
to the article2019: John Templeton Foundation awards a grant of $1,567,673 to Kendall Cotton Bronk (P.I.) of the Claremont Graduate University and […]
to the articleWe are delighted to invite you to the opening of the SFU Outpatient Clinic for Dentistry. Join us for a […]
to the articleCampus Messestraße I & II has won one of the Silver – Muse Design Awards in the category Architectural Design! […]
to the articleOn 8th November 2019, Vera Luckgei and Barbara Rothmüller, SFU Faculty of Psychology, presented latest research results from the FWF […]
to the articleLong-term effects of parental divorce on mental health – A meta-analysis Study carried out by: Felicitas Auersperg, Department of Psychology, […]
to the articleAccreditation of the PhD Programme Psychology at SFU Vienna I am very happy to announce that the Psychology PhD Programme […]
to the articleThe new premises of SFU Ljubljana officially opened their doors on Friday, May 24, 2019.The opening ceremony at “Trubarjeva cesta […]
to the articleNews from Iceland: 2nd transnational meeting of the iFEMPOWER Erasmus+ project in Bifröst Not all universities can claim that their […]
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