Overview of all ongoing, self-financed research projects

In the side menu on the left, a detailed project description for selected projects is available.

Richard Strauss - The psychological picture of his personality, taking into account his relationship to his family and to contemporary artistic life

Project lead: Mag. Dr. Gregor Wasicky (gregor.wasicky@sfu.ac.at)
Project duration: until 2028

Understanding (Non-)Compliance with Mobility Related Measures Against Climate Change - Everyday Mobility Practices and the Perception of Legislation under Conditions of Social Inequality

Project lead: Ass.-Prof.in Dr.in Katharina Hametner (Katharina.Hametner@sfu.ac.at), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konrad Lachmayer (konrad.lachmayer@jus.sfu.ac.at), Univ.-Ass. Dr. Markus Wrbouschek (markus.wrbouschek@sfu.ac.at)
Current project members: Pia Guggenberger (former member: Laura Stritzke)
Project duration: May 2023 – Juli 2024

Fluid sexualities: A qualitative longitudinal study on changes in sexuality over the course of life

Project lead: Dr. Barbara Rothmüller (barbara.rothmueller@sfu.ac.at)
Project member: Anna-Greta Mittelberger, MA
Project duration: 04/2023 – 12/2033

Forms of perception of social crises and transformation processes. Perspectives of scepticism and mistrust

Project lead: Markus Brunner & Florian Knasmüller (florian.knasmueller@sfu.ac.at)
Project team: Annika Thomas, Pia Guggenberger, Anna-Leonie Ofenheimer, Gabriel Leutzendorff, Nicolas Jacobs
Project duration: 06/2022 – 07/2024

Alexinomia: when it’s impossible to say names

Project lead: Ass.-Prof. Thomas Ditye, MRes, PhD (thomas.ditye@sfu.ac.at)
Project team: Mag. Lisa Welleschik; Univ.-Ass. Natalie Rodax, PhD.; Alexis Bergert, MA; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Walla; Univ.-Ass. Sophie Gattermeyer
Project duration: 01/2021-12/2024

Changes in the perception of Soviet history (using the example of family history and/or local history) among young people in Russia in the years 2000-2020

Project lead: Dr. Anna Schor-Tschudnowskaja (anna.schor-tschudnowskaja@sfu.ac.at)
Project duration: February 2022 – July 2024
Project description (PDF, in German)

Psychological violence against women

Project lead: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Nora Ruck (nora.ruck@sfu.ac.at)
Project duration: October 2021 – September 2024
Cooperation partners: Women* advise Women*
Staff members: Janine Bühner, Vanessa Siebauer, Claire Gutkowski, Julia Struppe-Schanda

Research workshop: corona protests

Project lead: Dr. Markus Brunner & Florian Knasmüller, MSc. (florian.knasmueller@sfu.ac.at, SFU Wien), Dr.in Antje Daniel
Former members: Felix Maile, Andreas Schadauer, Verena Stern
Project duration: January 2021 – July 2024

Gustav Ichheiser Archive

Linked to the publication of the book Memories of Gustav Ichheiser – Life and work of an exiled social scientist (Cham: Springer, 2017) by Amrei C. Joerchel (amrei.zopf-joerchel@sfu.ac.at) & Gerhard Benetka (gerhard.benetka@sfu.ac.at), Gustav Ichheiser’s writings in German, Polish and English are collected and published online.